Saturday, November 19, 2016

Be the Helper

Thinking about all the problems we are facing today is overwhelming and the question, “Where do I start?” can be crippling. Sometimes the simplest answer is the best one. I believe Lin-Manuel Miranda said it best when he said,
“And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love, cannot be killed or swept aside”.
Love is the answer. I work in a hospital in Rochester, NY and I see the impact that love and acceptance have on my patients during their most vulnerable time. These people are in pain, scared, anxious, and uncertain of what will come next, as many of us are right now. While I cannot cure everyone or take away all their fears, I can listen. I have learned the value of listening to people and validating their feelings, regardless of whether or not I believe I can do something to change their outcome. People want to be heard. They want to be told that they matter, that you care what happens to them. Listen to people. It does not take long and it is something that everyone has the power to do. With so much hatred and ignorance in the world recently I have been reminded of Mr. Rogers saying,
 “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping”.
My goal is to be that helper. Be the person who listens, who validates, who accepts, and who loves. It only takes one person to start. Love is a powerful weapon that needs to be used now.


  1. Thank you for being a helper, Heather. I truly believe that all we need is Love. Good song too, hehe ;)

    1. Great song Kaylin and such an accurate statement!

  2. Heather, I love every word of this post. Thank you so much for being that light out there for those who need to see in the darkness. The Lin Manuel sonnet is something that I think about almost daily and it is so good to see that it is on your mind as well. Love you, girl. Thank you for sharing your heart. <3

    1. Thank you for starting this wonderful blog. I'm glad I was able to contribute to it and that it resonates with you as well. Love you!
